logo pmp | Produzioni meccaniche pavullesi

Beyond Quality Standards


more than 30 years of growth and innovation

They have led us to become a reliable company and a leader in precision mechanical production, with
a 360° view of the market, its changes, and its needs.
Only through research, investments, and our strict quality standards is it possible to emerge and be
competitive in a region like ours, just a few kilometers from the Italian Motor Valley.

Our goal remains the same every day: to be a true excellence of made in Italy.


PMP is made up of people, experiences, training, and above all, a continuous pursuit of new quality standards. These data tell a small part of our reality and serve to set us new, ever greater goals.
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PM and RP
New production boots

Anche grazie alle 3 aziende consociate del nostro gruppo, negli ultimi anni abbiamo aumentato di molto la capacità produttiva.

In Pavullo Meccanica s.r.l, in Officine Meccaniche RP e in Officina Masini si trova la stessa attenzione ai dettagli e alla qualità che ricerchiamo per i nostri prodotti.

Production dedicated to PMP
PM 81%
Production dedicated to PMP
RP 73%
Production dedicated to PMP
Officina Masini 90%

1988. The first
CNC machine tool

Many years have passed since we put our first machine to work in a small 250 sqm workshop. Since then, many things have changed. What has never changed is our desire to grow and challenge ourselves, as well as our innovative vision of the sector. Time has proven us right: today our production department extends over 6300 sqm and can rely on the best high-precision CNC machine tools.

PMP and environment

We have installed 570 sqm of photovoltaic panels to make our production increasingly green and to contribute our small part to environmental protection. A significant portion of the energy we use comes from renewable sources, in line with our philosophy of ethical production and awareness of the changes in the world around us.

Professional ethics in PMP

In addition to the environment, PMP cares about everyone involved in its reality. Whether they are clients, suppliers, employees, and all those who in some way enter the PMP world. For this reason, we believed it important to draft the Organization, Management, and Control Model (MOG 231) even though it is not mandatory. 1. General Part 2. Code of Ethics

Whistleblowing and Transparency

Legislative Decree No. 24 of March 10, 2023, regulates the protection of Whistleblowers, those who report violations of national or European Union regulations within organizations. This regulation promotes an ethical and transparent culture in companies, providing protection to Whistleblowers and prohibiting retaliation. P.M.P. S.r.l. has implemented a Whistleblowing Policy to ensure an ethical, transparent, and trust-based work environment, in full compliance with the regulation. USEFUL LINKS: 1. Organizational Deed 2. Whistleblowing Policy 3. Reporting Form 4. SCS Reporting Operational Guide 5. Training – SCS Whistleblowing



PMP further enhances its level of digitization by identifying new technologies to introduce within the storage and delivery departments of finished products. PMP has decided to purchase new software and hardware devices capable of enabling real-time monitoring of finished products in the warehouse and automating their delivery flow.

30 years of satisfied customers

Traditional Processes

Variety and Flexibility

From Sampling to Delivery

Production Integrated Software

Manufacturing Process Certified DNV ISO 9001

All News on  Pmp

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