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Beyond Quality Standards


TECHNOLOGY supporting quality

We have invested in creating a technological infrastructure with software to support the entire production cycle. This is how technology helps us to maintain our high quality standards.

Software Integrated in the Management of the Entire Production Process

Over time, we have adopted interconnected and perfectly integrated software into our production cycle. This allows us to have total and constant control over the quality of the pieces and to intervene immediately if standards are not met. The software has been developed based on the 8D model, which allows our team to scientifically identify the cause of each individual problem and offer the most efficient solution to resolve it. This helps operators optimally manage non-conforming parts that do not meet standards. Thanks to the reporting provided by the software on a daily basis, we analyze reported non-conformities to identify the most frequent causes and the departments or machines most affected by critical issues. This allows us to take the necessary measures to maintain our quality standards at a high level. We have always believed in technological development, and the numbers are proving us right: since we adopted these quality tools, non-conforming parts produced have decreased by 40%.


Magazzino Utensili

Il distretto produttivo di PMP è dotato di un innovativo magazzino automatizzato per utensili ed attrezzi.
Il magazzino è supervisionato da personale specializzato per garantire sempre la massima efficienza di funzionamento e un adeguato rifornimento di utensili.


  • Riduzione dei tempi per l’attrezzaggio delle macchine
  • Riduzione dei tempi morti in fase di produzione
  • Disponibilità costante di utensili ed attrezzi
  • Maggiore velocità nelle operazioni di campionatura

Software CAD / CAM

For prototyping and manufacturing of parts, we rely on the best industry software to swiftly transition from 3D design to the finished component. Our technicians have obtained certification for CAD/CAM software use and are capable of turning client ideas into real prototypes.


30 years of satisfied customers

Traditional Processes

Variety and Flexibility

From Sampling to Delivery

Production Integrated Software

Manufacturing Process Certified DNV ISO 9001

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